Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit by Amy Johnson

The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit by Amy Johnson

No matter what your bad habit is, you have the power to change it. Drawing on a powerful combination of neuroscience and spirituality, this book will show you that you are not your habits. Rather, your habits and addictions are the result of simple brain wiring that is easily reversed. By learning to stop bad habits at the source, you will take charge of your habits and addictions for good.

Anything done repeatedly has the potential to form neural circuitry in the brain. In this light, habits and addictions are impersonal brain wiring problems that result from taking your habitual thinking as truth, and acting on that thinking in the form of doing your habit-over and over. This book offers a number of small changes you can make in your everyday life that will help you stop your bad habit in its tracks.

If you want to understand the science behind your habit, make the decision to end it, and commit to real, lasting change, this book will help you to finally take charge of your life-once and for all.


"I love this groundbreaking book! It frees people from the misguided idea that breaking self-destructive habits takes willpower, 'bootstrap pulling, ' tools, techniques, or thought reconditioning! It helps people see the innocence of their self-defeating habits so they can let go of guilt and blame. It helps people realize that they have all the mental health they need already inside of them. It shows people how to use the power of thought in their best interest. When people grasp these new insights, their habits naturally melt away."
--Thomas M. Kelley, PhD, associate professor at Wayne State University, and licensed psychologist

Mindfulness in Positive Psychology by Itai Ivtzan (Editor), Tim Lomas (Contributor)

Mindfulness in Positive Psychology by Itai Ivtzan (Editor), Tim Lomas (Contributor)

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: Discovering a happy, healthy, wealthy alcohol-free life by Catherine Gray

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: Discovering a happy, healthy, wealthy alcohol-free life by Catherine Gray