Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

Why Mindset Mastery is the Key to Peak Performance

I'm back filming more success psychology videos today to training footballers at Future Football Elite to master their mindset and create a positive mental attitude by adding mindfulness and visualisation in their peak performance toolkit. It prompted me to want to share why mindset is so vital for both elite athletes and business owners alike.

future football elite norwich rosie loui mindset

I truly believe that mastering your mindset is the key to success, the key to peak performance, and the key to creating a life and business that fulfils your wildest dreams. Whether it's in sports or in business, you are only as good as you believe you are.

Your life and business is a reflection of what you believe about yourself and what you believe is possible.

Pro-footballers and 7-figure business owners didn't get to where they are now without doing serious mindset mastery work. The top CEOs hire executive coaches and sports psychologists commonly work with Olympic athletes and professional sportsmen and women. So if people at the top of their game need to work on their mindset, what does that mean for you?

You may think you just need to find the right strategy or have more time or more money to make your success happen. But that's not completely true. If you work on yourself first, you learn how to get out of your own way, you learn how to let go of the fears and doubts and you find a way to make your goals happen despite any challenges you face.

As Carrie Green, the founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association says in her book, She Means Business,

'The biggest problem you will have to overcome in order to show up for your dreams is YOU.'

She goes on to add that 'life constantly nudges us all to play bigger, to share our messages, to turn our ideas into reality, to chase our dreams' which really resonates with me.

I truly believe that each and every one of us is destined for greatness. However, without the right mental attitude, we can keep ourselves stuck playing small due to fear of judgement, perceived lack of resources and opportunities.

The thing is, the people who have mastered their mindset create opportunities, they turn struggles into stepping stones on their journey to success. You only fail if you quit, and it is exactly that fear of failure in the first place stops most players even entering the game.

When you learn to calm the mind and visualise positive outcomes, you rehearse success and prime your mind for it. You start to focus on solutions and opportunities rather than dwelling on problems, and that really does change the game.

How does your mindset impact your performance? If you are interested in learning how to unlock your key to peak performance, I have a couple of slots for free taster business & mindset coaching sessions opened up for next week. You can book yourself in on my calendar.

I'd love to know your top tips for mastering your mindset in the comments.

Rosie Peacock MAPPCP, BA Hons, PG Cert, HE Cert.

Mindset Coach, Success Strategist and Positive Psychologist and Head of Psychology and Mindset at Future Football Elite

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