Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

Accomplishing A Goal Visualisation

Accomplishing A Goal Visualisation

Martin Seligman, an influential pioneer of positive psychology, created a framework for wellbeing in the acronym “PERMA.” This framework selected five components that people pursue because they are intrinsically motivating and they contribute to wellbeing. These elements are pursued for their own sake and are defined and measured independently of each other.

These five elements or components are

  • Positive emotion

  • Engagement

  • Relationships

  • Meaning

  • Accomplishment

Today we will raise our wellbeing by focusing on the Accomplishment aspect of PERMA, which is also known as achievement, mastery, or competence.

A sense of accomplishment is a result of working toward and reaching goals, mastering an endeavour, and having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do. This contributes to wellbeing because individuals can look at their lives with a sense of pride and it helps with making life feel meaningful.

Accomplishment includes the concepts of perseverance and having a passion to attain goals. As we covered in Day 4-Goal Setting. flourishing and wellbeing come when accomplishment is tied to striving toward things with an internal motivation or working toward something just for the sake of the pursuit and improvement.

Visualisation is an evidence-based way to accomplish your goals more effectively. People around the world have been using various kinds of visualisation techniques, meditations, and prayers to achieve their desires for centuries. And nowadays, everybody, from professional athletes to CEOs, are benefiting from visualisation techniques.

Visualisation is the practice of imagining what you want to achieve in the future. As if it were true today.

It involves using all five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. The process of visualising directs your subconscious to be aware of the end goal you have in mind.

If you do it daily, it reminds you on a consistent basis of what you want and it trains your brain to respond as if that outcome were true in the present moment.

There are two types of visualisation:

(1) outcome visualisation: envisioning the desired future end-point, and

(2) process visualisation: envisioning every step toward that desired outcome. With all the senses engaged.

When the two visualisations are used in tandem, they yield the best results.

Today’s Practice - Accomplishing A Goal Visualisation

I have my driving test today so I created an accomplishing a goal visualisation to help me rehearse the success I want. Here’s the recording so you can manifest whatever it is you want to accomplish today too!

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