Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

Dance Like No One Is Watching

Dance Like No One Is Watching

Dancing is an evidence-based way to feel better psychologically as much as physiologically. Today’s practice is simply to put on your favourite song (or playlist if you have more time) and dance like no one is watching.

Today’s practice is inspired by the amazing positive feeling I got attending Ecstatic Dance on Saturday Evening with my friends and partner. During the dance you can feel the endorphins flowing and the name isn’t wrong, you feel a sense of ecstasy and connection. I always feel refreshed and inspired after these events too. I had the most brilliant idea at the one on Saturday, and I think dancing and being in creative flow was what allowed the idea to flow through.

If you haven’t already attended an ecstatic dance event, I highly recommend seeing if there is any ecstatic dance events near you. Ecstatic dance in particular has so many positive psychology benefits, along with physical benefits of moving your body and mental health benefits of increasing wellbeing, focus and flow, it also increases a sense of openness and creativity and creates a space free from fear of judgement as everyone really lets go.

If you happen to live in Norfolk, the one I go to is amazing, check it out, they run one every month. It’s a super fun, an amazing way to let go, be creative with movement, a chance to connect to a like-minded community.

The video above my very talented partner created at one of the ecstatic dance events. If you feel drawn to I invite you to put it on and dance with us all.

Also if you have any fab music you like to dance to, please share in the Whatsapp Reflection Group



Loving Body Scan Meditation

Loving Body Scan Meditation