Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

Yummy Yin Yoga Practice

Yummy Yin Yoga Practice

Today’s practice

The positive practice for today was to do a yummy yoga practice, we had a live session on Zoom I recorded, of a slow, mindful 30 minute practice. Here is the session if you want to do that.

You can also choose to do you own yoga practice or any other recording you like. Youtube has thousands of amazing yoga classes for all abilities completely free of charge.

10 Reasons To Practice Yoga Asana Every Day (According to Science)

1) Yoga increases your flexibility and balance.

2) Yoga helps you to build strength and improve muscle tone.

3) Yoga improves your posture and helps prevent injuries.

4) Yoga helps to keep your joints healthy and reduces inflamation.

5) Yoga is a powerful mindfulness practice.

6) Yoga reduces stress, anxiety and depression.

7) Yoga lowers blood pressure.

8) Yoga helps you to make healthier life choices.

9) Yoga deepens your spiritual connection.

10) Yoga makes you happier and improves your satisfaction with life.

Come on over to the reflection group to let us know if you’ve managed to squeeze in a yoga practice today, even 5 minutes counts!

Practice Positive Psychology Yoga with Me

If you really enjoyed today’s yoga class, did you know that you can book 121 positive psychology yoga classes with me online (or in person if you are near Norwich)? If you’re really wanting to commit to yourself and your practice, you can also block book 6 sessions for the price of 5 over in my store.



