Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

Acts of Service For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

Acts of Service For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

We continue the valentines series of self-love practices with the 5 love languages today with Acts of Service. If you feel most loved and cared for when your partner takes on a task so you have one less thing on your plate, then there’s a good chance that acts of service is your love language.

Similarly, if you notice that your partner often picks up the trash or refills your water glass when they see it’s empty, that could be their way of showing you that they feel most cared for when people do little things like that for them, and they would like you to reciprocate those small, but meaningful, actions.

Often, your love language translates to what your major attachment figures did for you. For example, if your parents would always have your favourite breakfast ready for you in the morning or would fold your laundry for you so you didn’t have to, you might have learned to show love through acts of service, which, in turn, became your love language.

What are some examples of acts of service?

If you or your significant other's love language is acts of service, here are a few examples of ways to show your love, according to experts:

  • Refill their glass when empty.

  • Let them sleep in while you get the kids ready for school or walk the dog, so they can get a few extra minutes of rest.

  • Prepare them a nice meal or randomly take them out to a nice restaurant, so they don’t have to cook when they get home.

  • Do the dishes and/or help with other household chores without them asking.

  • Unpack their suitcase after a long work trip so it’s one less thing they have to worry about.

  • Nurse them back to health when they’re feeling sick.

  • Offer to give them a massage when they’re feeling stressed or sore.

  • Run errands for them.

  • Figure out the logistics of a vacation so they don’t have to.

  • Plan a get-together with their closest friends and family to celebrate a birthday or other achievement.

Acts of Service: Do Self-Love

As a self-love language, here is 4 ideas of how you can honour yourself through acts of service

  • Prepare healthy meals for yourself. Put thought and effort into grocery shopping and meal preparation.

  • Create an organised, clean and aesthetically pleasing home environment for yourself. Love where you live, even if on a budget.

  • Schedule regular physical, dental and mental health check-ups. Address any health concerns in a timely manner if they arise. Without your health, you have nothing.

  • Groom yourself with love and care. Put yourself together so that you feel like the beautiful person that you are.

Receiving Gifts For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

Receiving Gifts For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

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