Rosie Peacock

Positive Psychologist & Coaching Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Coach, Business & Mindset Coach.
"Flourishing people change the world"

Physical Touch For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

Physical Touch For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

If your love language is physical touch, then that means you prefer physical expressions of love over all other expressions (such as verbal compliments or gifts).

Note that physical touch as a love language is not all about sex, although sex can be an important aspect of a romantic relationship. A hug, a shoulder squeeze, a handhold, even a pat on the back can be an expression of love that is just as meaningful to your partner.

If you’re in a non-sexual relationship or if you’re unable to have sex with your partner for some reason (long-distance, postpartum, PTSD), don’t worry. We explore easy ways to give and receive physical touch, no matter where you are (physically or mentally) with your partner. This may seem self-explanatory, but there are both intimate and non-intimate touches that can and should be used to show your partner love.

Physical Touch Ideas: Feel Self-Love

  • Stretch your muscles and do a yin or restorative yoga practice. Relax into your body.

  • Release toxins by taking a hot bath with epsom salts.Release the stress and soak in the love.

  • Moisturize your skin with lotions or oils.As you touch your skin, thank each body part for all it does for you.

  • Give yourself a spa treatment: manicure, pedicure, facial, deep conditioning treatment, etc. Know you are worth extraordinary care.

  • Erotic self-pleasure, not just masturbation but also exploring other forms of sensual self-touch.

Love Language Quiz

Gary Chapman (the problematic creator of the theory of the 5 Love Languages) has also made a quiz to see what your primary love language is. I believe we need to meet ourself and our partners in all 5 of these ways, and we need our partners to do the same, but it fluctuates and changes at different times of our lives. I think it is a bit of an oversimplification to simply have one primary love language, but the quiz is a bit of fun and it does show the percentage you prefer that love language as well which can be insightful to see which of these practices to get stuck in with first.

A Week of Meditation

A Week of Meditation

Quality Time For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series

Quality Time For Self-Love - 5 Love Languages Series